Thursday, 31 March 2011

Can your Golf Ball Improve your Game?

Being able to choose the right golf ball could be just what you need to turn an awful game to a wonderful one. However, it does not mean that you should just trot out and buy the golf ball that Tiger Woods uses to instantly turn you into a world champion. You would still need to choose the golf ball that would work for you.

The three different types of golf balls are: two-piece balls, three-piece balls and high performance balls.

If you wish to improve the distance shots you are making, you would need to use the two-piece golf ball. If you wish to improve your accuracy, then you might opt to use a three-piece golf ball or a high performance golf ball.

For beginners, two-piece golf balls would be more advisable as they are cheaper compared to the other golf balls. Also, two-piece golf balls would be great for those who are slow swingers since these balls have a larger rubber core, which would assure a faster speed.

For golfers whose accuracy is inconsistent, two-piece golf balls would also be the better choice, because three-piece golf balls just would not do if you would be making a couple of inaccurate hits in a game. Also, if you are still working on your precision, high performance balls would not be the best way to go as these balls would be more suitable for the professional golfers who have already mastered their games.

Golf balls are definitely something that you would need to give importance to as you learn more in golf and as you work on your skills to become better st your game. Being equipped with the right type of golf balls that would work to your advantage would definitely improve your score and eventually help you move on to the more competitive playing field.

Improve your golf swing online

Improving your golf game can be very tiring and tedious, not to mention frustrating. It's the one sport that offers so much, yet can deliver so little. But it is without doubt the most addictive and sometimes the most rewarding too.

However, golfers all around the world are constantly searching for the secret answer and demand immediate improvement from a lesson or a tip from a golf magazine. However, the truth is that you need to be guided by an expert and follow that expert's advice to the letter.

So where does a golfer go when they are experiencing real anguish and heartache about their golf game? Answer - MYGOLFGURU.

The mygolfguru website offers golfers and beginners the opportunity to learn and improve their golf swing at a pace that suits them, all from the comfort of their own home. The program has been specifically designed to allow interaction between student and teacher.

The Golf Guru has spent thousands of hours producing an easy to follow system that is delivered via written text, audio narration, pictures, interactive tests and video. You can also leave feedback for the Golf Guru to absorb and respond to.

The really clever part is in the timing, each level in the program is drip fed, so you won't be over loaded with technical jargon and difficult to understand terminology.

This unique coaching system ensures you will start improving your golf game immediately with in depth knowledge and experience from one of the leading PGA voices in golf instruction.

The whole program really delivers a no nonsense approach to helping golfers get the most from their golf swing.

This really is a genuine and affordable solution for those who are serious about improving their golf game.

Join the revolution today at you won't be disapointed.

5 Golf Tips On Driving Better Off The Tee

#1) Adjust your setup - Make sure you play the golf ball all the way forward in your stance so that it is directly in line with your left heel. Your stance should be slightly wider than shoulder width apart. You want to have a nice solid base which you can turn and coil around. Also, for the right handed golfer, you want to tilt your spine slightly to the right as this will allow you to swing and hit the golf ball on a slight upswing, launching it high into the air. This adjustment in your setup will also lead to more distance off the tee.

#2) Keep Your Lower Body Stable - When you are swinging, the job of the lower body is to act as a base around which your turn and coil your upper body. This allows you to wind up correctly and will create more power as you swing through the golf ball and release the golf club.

#3) Keep Your Shoulders Square At Impact - It is a very common swing fault to open your upper body too early in the downswing without giving your arms time to catch up. Everything needs to come together at impact, so making sure your shoulders stay square through the impact zone will allow you to be more in-sync and hit more solid and consistent golf shots. Having the shoulders open is even more common with the driver as it is a longer club so you need to allow yourself to be more aware of the timing of your arms and body working together. It's a slightly longer swing, so you have to stay down and through your shot at impact just a split second longer than when hitting an iron.

#4) Make Sure The Hands Lead Ahead Slightly At Impact - You want to build up some lag or leverage in your golf swing because this will allow you to hit it farther and strike the golf ball more consistently. Make sure that you create some wrist angle or wrist set in your backswing and then maintain that angle in your wrists for as long as possible in the downswing. This will allow you to come into impact with your hands slightly ahead of the golf ball producing a much more solid golf shot. It is a common fault to release the golf club too early in the downswing where the clubhead gets to the golf ball before the hands do. Make sure to focus on creating a good angle with your wrists and hold that angle until the last second right as you are hitting the golf ball.

#5) Eliminate Excess Body Motion For More Consistency- It's common with the driver to want to swing extra hard in order to try and hit the ball farther. One problem with swinging too hard is your body will probably move too much. Your head should stay relatively still during your golf swing even with your driver. You do not want too much lateral movement. If you shift your weight too much to the right on the backswing, you may be getting your weight outside your right foot. Make sure when you turn in the backswing, you turn so that your weight shifts to the inside of the right foot. On the downswing and follow through, make sure to stay balanced and behind the ball slightly, instead of feeling like you are moving forward too far.

For more information and tips on the golf swing, check out